Tag: 2022

Samoan Flag! (Activity 1)

This is a poster about Samoa’s Flag and it represents. This poster is another Summer Learning Journey Teaser. Thank you for visiting my blog, can I just say that I am very proud to be samoan. Feel free to visit their site and sign up here is the link https://slj.manaiakalani.org


Where Angels Fear to Tread

Task 3:

Where angels fear to tread


This task is about reading to find information and make inferences.

Read ‘Where angels fear to tread’, then answer the following questions.




How old is Ngorongoro Crater?


The Ngorongoro Crater is two million years old, in the text it says “The crater is about  two million years old.




What word does the writer use in the middle of the story to indicate that he wasn’t scared of buffalo?


“Only” in the text it says “But they weren’t Lions ONLY Buffalo” 

c) What would have been a useful item to take on the walk to the lodge?
  Flashlight, so that they can see in the darkness, in the text it says “By now our eyes were used with darkness. In the text it also informs us that there was no moon and the stars were covered by the clouds.
d) Explain how the saying in the final line, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”, goes with the story.

“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” refers to a person who behaves impulsively; they don’t think before reacting. The saying goes with the story because a group of people, Halina and the speaker travel to Africa before knowing very little about it e.g. dangers, animals, people.


“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” This phrase goes with the story because in the story we read that the author and halina waved their hand to buffalos not knowing that the were very dangerous, they were being very foolish to travel to africa without knowing anything about the animals and how dangerous they are, which was very foolish of them. They were very lucky that the buffalo hadn’t gotten upset, if not the situation would have gotten out of hand and turned into a big tragedy . 


e) What two lessons could be gained from this story?

       i. Think before you react 

       ii. Always be prepared


Extension Escape Room Plan

This term for extension Mrs West thought it would be a fun to make our own escape rooms to finnish of the year. For our escape rooms we got to choose between doing it online or doing it physically. Our group (Lynette, Amira, Zaria, Legacy and lilimay) chose to do it physically, this is our planning for our escape rooms. Planning this was very hard especially doing it in real life, but we all worked together to try and get it done, as you can tell by the slides we aren’t quite finished we are still getting all the decorations and stuff for the escape room. But once we are finished we will take pictures and post it on blogs for you guys to see.  Thank you for visiting my blog and I am looking forward posting more stuff for you guys to see, remember to leave a comment down below I love to hear some feedback from you guys. Ka Kite Ano, have a lovely day!

Manga Character (Summer Learning Journey 2022 Teaser)

Kumusta, this is my other teaser for the Summer Learning journey for 2022.  For this activity we had to create a manga, you’ve probably heard of the word before. Manga is an umbrella term for a wide variety of comic books and graphic novels originally produced and published in Japan. The word manga is also referred to as cartoon or anime characters, as you can see I have done a manga myself. I am proud of how my manga looks, it was very fun even though it took me a long time. Thank you for visiting my blog and I can’t wait to share more blog posts in the future! Remember to leave a comment down below what you think of my art work, I love feedback.

Summer Learning Journey Teaser (Activity 1)

This is my Artwork for the summer learning journey, although it starts in December, I thought it would be a good Idea to try the teaser activities from the summer learning journey blog.  In this teaser we had to explore and look at different artworks from different cultures, The culture I had chosen to do is called Diwali. After I had done that I coloured it in, I tried to make it look like the original, by using the same colours. This art piece is called Dhokra art, one fact is that Dhokra art is made by the tribals of Bastar in Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal. Thanks for visiting my blog feel free to comment down below, Hope you have a great day!


Today for maths room 4 did a year 9 science experiment, and for the experiment we put 100g of water into a plastic cup and added 5g of sugar and see if it devoles or not, my sugar stopped at 110g, but according to google the highest is 200g. It was a very fun experiment to do and hope do more like it soon.

Term 4 DLO project

Talofa Lava, my name is Legacy, and I have created a Movie for our Term 4 DLO Projects. Our theme for this Term is – Mana Tu ~ Mitey You. Our Animation’s had to be about our hair,  and we had to talk about where our hair comes from. Everyone has to animate themselves going to a salon or barber to get their hair done. After we finished animating, we had to explain where we get our hair from and who in our family has the same type of hair as ourselves. (The site I used to edit my movie is called VEED.IO)